7 Ways to be More Sustainable in Everyday Life

Posted on Monday 2nd September 2019

Looking for ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle? Here, we’ll give you some invaluable tips and advice on how to reduce your carbon footprint, by incorporating some eco-friendly changes to your everyday life. Read on to discover some easy sustainable living ideas, so you can help save the planet and feel great at the same time!

Visit your local farmer’s market

Going to the supermarket is super-convenient, but buying your groceries from a local farmer’s market means you get delicious, farm-fresh produce at a reasonable price. Why is this more sustainable? Farmer’s market vendors often use less plastic than supermarkets, plus you’ll be supporting your local community, rather than a big supermarket chain.

Top tip: when browsing your local farmer’s market, switch up your usual plastic bags fore reusable totes. Not only are these much more eco-friendly, they look great too! Plus, plastic bags aren’t as strong, so there’s more chance of them snapping under the weight of your new groceries (and nobody wants to be chasing a rogue apple down the street on a Saturday morning).

tote bags

Shop for sustainable fashion

When leading a more sustainable lifestyle, think about what you’re wearing. Try to buy clothes made from recyclable materials and ethically-sourced cotton.

Here at bonprix, we know how difficult it can be to find stylish, sustainable clothes at a reasonable price. That’s why we created our Sustainable Collection, as part of our ongoing commitment to corporate responsibility. This capsule collection has been crafted in a range of beautiful sustainable materials, so you can look and feel amazing.


Go paperless

Drowning in piles of paper is no fun, it makes your home look messy and all that unnecessary paper is bad for the environment. Instead, sort through your bills and documents, and go paperless wherever possible. Going paperless with your statement means that they’ll be sent to your email instead of your home address, which can actually prove to be a whole lot easier than keeping all your paper statements organised!

Planning a shopping trip? Many shops give you the option of whether you want your receipt by email or paper, choose email for an eco-friendlier way to indulge in some retail therapy.

Get a reusable water bottle

When it comes to living a more eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle, disposable plastic are public enemy number one. This can come in the shape of water bottles, straws, and cutlery, and is responsible for clogging up the oceans.

Instead, buy a reusable metal water bottle. Not only are these much more stylish and practical than plastic ones, they’re also so easy to just throw in your handbag. Plus, you can just fill them up as you go, so there’s no more dashing to the shop when you’re thirsty – you can fill up at a tap for free!

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

As tempting as it can be sometimes to just throw everything in the same bin and hope for the best, this is bad for the environment. To make it easier to recycle at home, try buying a bin with separate compartments for tins, paper, glass etc. This takes away much of the hassle associated with recycling. Plus, separate components mean separate bin bags, so no more painstakingly separating out all your rubbish on bin day.

Ride a bicycle

Have you ever dreamed of having a more enjoyable, healthier commute to work? Consider going old-school and riding a bike to the office instead. Changing your driving habits can really reduce your carbon footprint, so riding a bike to work is a great option for leading an eco-friendlier lifestyle.

Not a fan of cycling? Using public transport one or two days per week instead of driving is a great way to lead a greener existence. Plus, you can use the opportunity to finish that book!

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Reduce your household energy use

Do you like being toasty at home, even when it’s a nice temperature outside? Using more household energy than you need to is a sure-fire way to increase your carbon footprint. Here are some ways you can reduce it:

  • Turn off and unplug any appliances you’re not using
  • Unplug your TV at night
  • In the winter, set your thermostat lower than usual and put on an extra jumper
  • Love to put the air conditioning on in the summer? Try opening windows around the house instead
  • Hang clothes out to dry instead of using your dryer
  • Replace any regular lightbulbs with energy-saving bulbs

Do you have any sustainable living ideas you’d like to share? Leave a comment on our Facebook page and join the discussion.

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